Image Sub-Tab

The Image sub-tab shows the facility as it is displayed on the Surface Layout, and offers options for changing the predefined picture and adding/removing connectors. The image displayed is a Windows metafile, using a set of predefined generic oil field images. It can be resized and replaced.

The following options are available in the toolbar above the image, and in the right-click menu on the picture:

  • Image listImage List: Open the list of saved facility images to change the current picture.
  • Copy image to ClipboardCopy image to Clipboard.
  • Paste image from ClipboardPaste image from Clipboard: You will need to enter a file name, and the image will be saved with the rest of the facility images.
  • Add in ConnectorsAdd in Connectors: The dropdown list offers first the basic fluids, then the components defined in the project reservoir(s), and under Other components those not yet in the project.
  • Add out ConnectorsAdd out Connectors: Same as above. Gas components may be either liquid or gas, to account for conversions. Note that PetroVR does not allow more than one output connection routing the same fluid, so fluids and components for which there is already a connector will be excluded. This applies also to fluids that include others, such as three-phase and water, oil etc.
  • Remove all ConnectorsRemove all Connectors: Connectors that still have connected wells on the Surface Layout cannot be removed.
  • Show capacitiesShow / Hide capacities.
  • Zoom to fitZoom to fit.
  • Zoom inZoom in / Zoom outZoom out.

Other right-click options:

  • On the facility label: Edit Font (font, type, size and script type) and Text Color.
  • On a connector: Edit Capacity (in the Capacity Sub-Tab), Remove Connector, Change fluid, Change component. Note that when you change the fluid the connection may be deleted in the Surface Layout.